Archive for Ponderous Verbage

Expressions of the Soul

Love is such a beautiful emotion
It can change your life
You don’t have to hold on to hate
Let love into your heart
Insecurities will erase
Pain you don’t have to face
Eliminate the negative emotion
Dare to dream and believe
That you can be whatever you want to be

I know this world is so cruel
Selfishness sometimes controls the soul
It’s all about me instead of we
That is why there is so much chaos

We need to get back to the basics
Where the simplest things in life can turn into big things
Sometimes less is best
Because more can ignore
The beautiful things life has to offer.

C Johnson Copyright 2009

Becoming a Better Person

Does anyone ever wonder that there is more to life than what the average person can perceive?

For me, everyday is a new day to learn something new, shed some negative thoughts and feelings of the past, and look for inspiration.

Whenever I’m feeling melancholy, I listen to music to feel better again. Right now I’m in the mood for this song.

Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson

This song always cheers me up and makes me cognitively aware of what my potential as a human being I could be.


Hello Beautiful World!

Taking one day at a time, I’m on a path of self discovery.
